The first Authorized version was written in 1611. Current KJV Bible was written in the language of 1700's. While it is not hard to read but takes LONGER to comprehend what is being said. There are other translations have done a good job making english translation more current to our own english language.
King James Version
Reading Level: 12.00
Readability: Difficult to read due to 17th-century English vocabulary and word order
Reference Support Material: High
Number of Translators: 54
Translation Philosophy/Format: Word-for-word
Notes: Traditionally loved and accepted by all Christians. Purpose in translation was "to deliver God's book unto God's people in a tongue which they can understand." Published in 1611. Timeless treasure.
Source: http://www.zondervanbibles.com/translations.htm
I love KJV but I don't use KJV to new Christians who don't excel in English. Those who place KJV as the true translation will often ignored the Great Commission. I have learned how "self-righteous" type of believers or some called them "legalism" that they really expect certain people should be able to read KJV regardless their english level. KJV is personal preference rather than divine preference.
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