I am wearing conventional hearing-aids which is "so-so". I still miss out alot at meetings, bible studies and group bible studies. I am in "rock and hard" place because I can't hear enough to socialize "hearing" people but not deaf enough to socialize with deaf people. My wife noticed this in the past year that I truly miss out alot. She is sad about this because in a group setting... when there is good conversations going on, I miss out and felt left out. One of my goals before I die is to BUY BETTER hearing-aids. The ones I want costs about $2,500 a piece. The hearing-aids I am wearing now costs about $600 a piece. I wear two hearing aids because I can hear best with two hearing aids, which is called binaural. There is less ringing in your ears and less distortion or blurring of sounds. Hearing is also easier in noisy, crowded rooms. I can hear better in a full circle around me with two hearing aids. Years ago, I wore with one, I could only hear one side with one aid is on and I felt really "totally deaf". Right now, my hearing aids are "conventional" or "analog" hearing aids that are very limited:
* Can only be adjusted within a certain range.
* Controls I must move or adjust with my hands.
* Usually make all sounds louder.
* May need to be replaced more often, because of the limits on fine tuning them.
I want High-technology hearing aids because they:
* Can be smaller, do more things faster, and automatically.
* Can be set for multiple listening programs. This allows hearing aids to adjust to noisy rooms or soft conversations.
* Can be programmed. A computer in the audiologist's office can do many changes to your hearing aids. They do not have to be sent back to the factory for adjustments or fine-tuning. The computer also remembers the adjustments, and can recall old settings if needed.
* Allow for a T-switch or coil. This allows you to wear your hearing aid while you talk on the telephone.
* Allow for multiple frequency bands. There are volume controls on three bands or types of sound areas. Each one can be set for low, medium and high frequencies or sound range that might bother you. It can also be adjusted to increase the volume in range where you have a specific hearing loss. K-amp is a common business name for the 2-band type that works on loud or soft sound ranges.
One of the major problems with hearing aids is the cost of a hearing aid. Hearing aids tend to cost a lot of money because they are not mass-produced. The high-tech, programmable ones cost the most (which I want).
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