Corruption effects every aspect of a person's being. Corruption (sin) have a beginning which root is located. To me, root means a beginning source which is a starting point. Corruption's root is in my heart which also commonly known as the core of our being. R.C. Sproul: "We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners." We are born with a disease called sin that have been carried over the years since Adam and Eve. The core causes us to think to our own personal opinion which is driven by self-interest. This also means a person's opinion who disagree with God about certain sin (i.e. homosexuality). The corrupted person will always come up with "reasons" why people do things regardless what God says. The corrupted person do not have the moral ability to understand God's holiness. Without Salvation, a person cannot and will never understand God's holiness. The question becomes when a person say: "I am a believer in Christ" and practice what God calls it sin is where God will meet this person in the core, in the heart. This is where God determines a person's salvation. The key is: Does Christ rule your heart or does sin rule your heart? Did this person really accepted Christ from the heart? Human (sin) desires always begins in the core of a person. A person with Christ in the heart will still sin but we are reminded by the Word of God that God looks into our hearts for our spiritual obedience rather than perfection. We will never be perfect as long as we live in our bodies. Our source is in the core which is the heart. Do we really obey God from our hearts? Do we make every efforts to obey God from our hearts? Or, do we really obey our sin without even trying to obey God?
To be continued.....
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