Selfish Interests?
Is there a question about God's character or His power in our lives? When we know, we must accept and believe; until we know we can maintain our spiritual integrity only by admitting our ignorance; and that very ignorance will encourage us to search the Word carefully. Paul explained in his letters that the manifestations of the Spirit were given to everyone for the profit of all. Any selfish attitudes toward the blessings of God can destroy the blessings' usefulness. This is where we should have a serious responsibility in this matter to search in our hearts about our motives when we try to glorify God. Paul said, "But if we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment" (1 Corinthians 11:31). We can escape the critical judgment of God by doing our own exercising of critical self-judgment. The only proper attitude for a Christian is humble self-distrust by saying: "I am ignorant," and "I am willing to be taught, even when I am wrong and I am willing to be corrected." It is better to judge ourselves before somebody else does it because the criticism of others is not always accurate but God sometimes WILL criticizes us through other people (believers and unbelievers). "Each one should test his own actions. . . ."(Galatians 6:4a). There are times when our honest expression of an opinion will be misinterpreted, our motive and heart misread. This is when we are to examine our heart and review our form of our expression to make sure that our future words will be spoken or written in Christ-like love.
Regarding FAITH: It is very true that one enemy is unbelief but at the same time, the faith of the Christian should rest upon the character Christ Jesus, who is both God and Lord. A true Christian believes Jesus is the true God, not in order that he/she may temporal blessings. Faith secures from the promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit for eternal blessings. If we feel that we are what we ought to be, then we will remain what we are, we will continue to ingore God's guided circumstances to lead us to where He wanted us to go. We will still be spiritually blinded and will not look for any change or improvement in our spiritual lives. Our temporal habit of seeking weak comfort by blaming our unfavorable circumstances is evil. To live a lifetime believing that our inner weakness was the result of an external situation and this is what I know that we ourselves were to blame.
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