Who is God?
Well.... I am just revealing what the Holy Scriptures say. God's Words. Throughout this forum, people have only demonstrated one side of God which basically means we are breaking the Second Commandment (Image of God), that we are corrupting our thoughts with our wishful images of God. If we are not worshipping the true God, we are worshipping a god of our own composition.
Examples of images of God:
1. The Bible teaches that God is love; some have interpreted this in such a way as virtually to deny that He is just, which the Bible also teaches.
2. The biblical doctrine of God's goodness so far that it is made to contradict His holiness.
3. The biblical doctrine of God's compassion cancel out His truth.
True worship is to attribute worth to a real Being, one who is truly there and who is truly worthy. Who God REALLY is, and not part of our images. The purpose of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible is we are to learn what God is like and to acknowledge him as who He REALLY is -- to ascribe worth to him, to reflect upon the value, beauty, and character of God. If we don't do that, we are NOT worshiping God as God expected from us.
In the Old Testament, expecially in Exodus is all about God. God's activity and throughout the whole course of the book you see God mightily at work. If you understood what the Tabernacle is, the message of the book of Exodus is that by means of the cross, God has made it possible for a holy, unchangeable God to dwell with us. The whole of the tabernacle is a picture of God's dwelling with his people.
If we think we have the right image of God and when we approach that image, we feel a sense of awe that will confuse other people. We are living in the times of confusion and it is sometimes hard to distinguish the false from the true. God have provided us the Word of God to save us from the consequences of our own blindness by repeated warnings and many careful instructions.
We are to be in praising God all of His works and all of His attributes, NOT PARTS. We cannot ignore one part of God and focus only the other part of God, because if we do that, we are NOT following EVERY word of God as truth worshippers. God is absolutely powerful, that God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, that God is immutable, never changes, that God is all wise, perfectly just, holy, righteous. God is causing all things to work together for our good, which means our eternal glory because we love God because He first loved us and purposed to bring us to His Great Glory.
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