As a Christian, I believe that my political views of all these things are to be guided by the Bible and Holy Spirit. It is very important to me that I take the bible serious and at the same time, rely on the Holy Spirit to look at the "whole picture" around me.
When I voice my political views, they are MINE based on my understanding the Bible and how I view the world. At the same time, how much I understand in the political world of the United States, State of Ohio, Franklin County (Ohio) and Worthington, Ohio. I have to look at all aspects around my life.
The Bible has much to say about the nature of human, the world, purpose, and etc. The world who are without Christ also have their own views. More often than not, the secular world view is in conflict with the bible. To Christians, this should NOT be a surprise. To the world who are without Christ, this conflict is not a surprise either. We can "tell" who are Christians by their fruits
by observing their actions and views. Keep in mind, we cannot see their hearts like God can because only God knows who are real Christians and those who play Christians. In the same way, we can tell the world's fruits by observing their actions and views.
Christians should use their Bible and their relationship with God by adopting a biblical perspectives which are God's views in all aspects of life. If you are a true Christian who loves God with your whole heart and hates sin with your whole heart, then you are understand why those who are without Christ will oppose your views and you oppose their views. This has been going on since Adam and Eve. Politics and ideology have come in the form of the separation in our minds of "sacred vs. secular". The Bible calls upon the rulers to create a just society. In a democracy where I live (in the USA), we are the rulers because we vote our represatives and we as citizens "influence" our representatives to create laws for US. As voters and citizens, we have the power to make the rules.
Now, I am the type of person who steers away from Christians' views are so far right that they are blinded and not seeing the bigger picture. One of the reasons is that we have to remember that there are non-Christians living with us in the United States. Biblically, God never dictates governments to have citizens follow God. God dictated governments to "govern" the people and live in a civilized world. Read the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit reveal a bigger picture what God really wants. As I said in my earlier blog post, Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence" (John 18:36). Jesus makes it clear that there is a definite separation between His kingdom and the kingdoms of this world. We just need to look at the whole picture. God never commanded the governments to "spread the Gospels". God commanded to Christians to spread the Gospels. The Gospel is for "spiritual society" while the Governments are for "human society".
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