I am just a Christian. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. Discipleship means to know and follow Christ. To be a disciple of Christ means I am not a Christian based on "denomination", but rather, I am a Christian simply because I have accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. As a disciple, my Christian faith should be inward, not outward because the Bible teaches that faith is of the spirit and not of the flesh. Christ dwells in my heart, and "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27) is the burning core of the Christian faith. I am to be humbled and have a strong relationship with Jesus within my heart. The better I know Him the more I will trust Him because I will understand who He is. Through the knowledge of God, Holy Spirit will communicate to my spirit at the deepest levels of my heart. My heart is the key to submission and obedience of discipleship. There is head knowledge and a heart knowledge, in knowing God (not just about Him) the heart must be involved with the head. God has sent us the Holy Spirit (John 16:12-15). If I humble myself to God, the Holy Spirit will reveal Jesus in me and teach me with revelations of spiritual truth (Matthew 11:25-27). My faith of actions should be my relationship with My Lord, my daily life, my worship reflect my concept of God.
I have learned that denomination is not the issue. The issue is Christ.
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