Depending on what kind of spiritual growth you are looking for. What kind of spiritual growth you should be growing? I don't remember seeing in the scriptures about being motivated, or having a title "motivator teacher". The Holy Spirit is our source for motivation encouragement. I want a teacher that REALLY teaches. We live in a society that are looking that lovers of pleasure which ties to motivational agenda more than lovers of God.
Today people as did people during Paul's days, their ears itch for a soothing "word" of entertainment. People have strong desires for pleasures and wealth more than God and will not endure sound doctrine. People are having itching ears so they will be motivated to do something for themselves rather than sound docrine. In reality, we need the Word that corrects and rebukes as well as encourages. We need the preaching and teaching of the Word.
For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. — 2 Timothy 4:3
Christians: Look around, look in your own heart and see which of these pictures describes your relationship with God. Do you desire from your heart to love God's Word or do you desire from your heart to be motivated?
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