According to various scriptures, I will use one reference for an example which is 1 Corinthians 3:12-15. My works will be tested by fire each day I walk, and while I am walking, my works will be burned and purified. Some rewards will be burn up and some will remain. I won't know until I get into heaven.
Reading the Scriptures, I understand that I will be rewarded for the good that's remaining after my spiritual motivations (however anyone wants to term this) have been burned up, and the burning of the stuff occurs in 1 Corinthians 3. Sin in my life towards the end of my life. I can begin to forfeit my rewards and those things listed would be taken back off the list, added to the "wood, hay, and stubble" kind of thing, and your reward would be less.
Gold, silver, and costly stones. These are symbolic of good work. But it’s more than good. It’s eternal work, spiritual work. It’s work that is born of the Spirit of God, ordered by Him. It’s work that is born out of an abiding relationship with Christ.
Wood, hay, and straw. These are symbolic of inadequate work. Now that does not mean that it’s not perceived as good. It may look good, but in reality it was not good at all. That’s because it had its origin in the flesh. The Spirit of God never authorized it. It’s work that is not led by the Spirit, but is merely human effort to please God.
Motive may be a selfish desire to do something for Jesus. It may be a desire to look good in the eyes of others. In the WoF world, motives are my primary problem because many desires are related to "NOW" rather than later. It is not enough to do good spiritual works, such as prophesy, healing and other spiritual gifts. Spiritual works must flow from the will of God. Jesus said it is the one who does the will of the Father who really does good works. That’s the key requirement for doing the works of the Kingdom. When the Lord looks, He sees all. He sees beyond the surface, even to the thoughts and intents of our heart. So perhaps this fire that will try our works is the all seeing eye of the Lord Himself. But in any case, the nature of our works will be revealed. And what is the outcome? What is the prize which awaits those who do Kingdom work? The nature of the spiritual work determines the reward or loss.
If what I have built survives, I will receive my reward; however, if it is burned up, I will suffer loss. I am still saved and I am sealed to enter into heaven regardless. Whatever I built spiritual during my human life, my rewards may escape through the flames. If my works passed the test and stand because they are true spiritual works of the Kingdom, then I will be rewarded according to my works.
Now if my works are consumed because they were works built on the flesh based on wrong spiritual motives, then I will suffer the loss of them, and there will be no reward.
So, my spiritual goals are to lay up treasure in heaven. I am going to focus on building on the foundation (Christ) with the right spiritual motives, that my spiritual work will be gold, silver, and costly stones. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Gal. 6:9)
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