The main reason why we have denominations is that Christians are divided on doctrine issues (teaching issues). This have been going on since the New Testament days (Read First Corinthians 9:11-17) and of course, the most famous Martin Luther. Doctrines (teachings) that impact people's lives and the Church. Even though we are divided on doctine issues, we can all agree the true meaning of Jesus Christ. Doctrines are important and Christians might argue for those issues. These would include beliefs about traditions, worship style, communion, predestination, eternal security, original sin, infant baptism and others. Christians chose denominations by following their conscience (Holy Spirit), beliefs and personal worship preferences. There is NO perfect church. No Christians are perfect. There is only one perfect person and that is Jesus Christ.
There are different preferences of beliefs and different style of worship. Some prefer one worship style while other prefer another worship style. The key is that we must worship God in Spirit with other believers regardless our "personal" opinion or loyalty to our denominations (or non-denomination). God knows every believers' hearts and God will accept any believers who truly believe His Son, who died for our sins. In my opinion, God do not judge us based on what denomination church we go to, but rather God judge us based on how we allow God (Holy Spirit) help us discern truth from false. No matter how great a denomination is, false teachings will always happen and we need to understand that "visible" Church is not perfect but at the same time spiritual church is perfect. We worship in Spirit.
John 4:23-24 (New International Version) Jesus said:
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.
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