Language of the People, Bible Translations
In my opinion, God's Word should be in the "language of the people" which means the everyday language, and not the English of 500 A.D. or 1000 A.D. or 1611 A.D. or 1800 A.D. or 1900 A.D. We are living in the 2005 A.D language. People to say that we should stay with an Old English Bible or KJV or whatever, when we need to focus on the "language of the people," in today's time. By putting pressure on people to focus on KJV or whatever would do a disservice to the TRUE message of the Bible. We need to communicate God's Word in the clearest possible manner.
Each of us have our OWN preference of any translations without feeling guilty nor feeling pressure to read that we are not comfortable with. The only perfect Bible was those original manuscripts which are not currently available. God has preserved the translation of His truths over the years and we can trust our Bibles by relying on the Holy Spirit.
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