If you look back that Jesus rebuked religious leaders who had extreme doctrines that intimindated others who don't follow their rules.
Reading Paul's letters, he had his issues with extremists of his day. He rebuked many of the churches for being too extreme in some doctrines.
Not everyone are to be treated the same. Everyone is different. Some may consider one extreme and the other is not while another person is the opposite.
If we look in Ephesians 6:15, we are to wear the Gospel of Peace so that we will always be fully prepared to witness. Faith is to let God do His work in His way in His time and will use US as He desires. Faith is not to manipulate and intimidate people we are trying to witness to because it is the Holy Spirit's job to convict people's heart. We are not to persuade people to follow certain extremist views of doctrines because only God can take care of that based on each individual as the Holy Spirit convicts their hearts. The Holy Spirit KNOWS every person better than we do so just let the Holy Spirit do His work.
If we read 1 Corinthians 12, Paul explains that there are different kinds of Spiritual gifts and not everyone will be treated the same. God will work different ways in each of our lives because He knows EACH of us personally simply because He created us.
God expects every believer not to be extreme in their area of spiritual gifts but rather, God expects every believer be part of ONE spiritual body. Extremists will often ignore some parts that are least important to them when it is the most necessary in the eyes of God. Extremists will ignore the most necessary that God desires and break God's spiritual harmony.
Gospel of Peace is to watch for God's moment and go with the Spirit fully prepared to witness like you care and love as Christ love them.
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