Serving the Widows
Every pastors should make enough money to live in a decent home, comfortable life so he can study and serve the congregation, money for his family like every other families in this world. Medical coverages including dental and vision as well as disability insurance. Sometimes if the church can afford, vehicle for him when he is serving the church. I have great respect for pastors who cares about the members. Later, when the widow died, she gave great sum of money to the Church because of the Pastor's love for God rather than money.
Pastors are to "set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12).
Exodus 22:22 "Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan. 1 Timothy 5:16 "If any woman who is a believer has widows in her family, she should help them and not let the church be burdened with them, so that the church can help those widows who are really in need." Many times, many widows are lonely and it is a local Church's job to watch them and help them. James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Local Churches are not to:
1. be predators of widows... Mark 12:40 They devour widows' houses
2. overlook the widows.....Acts 6:1 In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.
An elderly retire person would LOVE to give more than they should and I have noticed many have which lead them reaping their sufferings down the road when they are out of money. We are to help the elderly with their day-to-day living and make sure they have enough funds to live on until God calls them home. Church leaders are to look after the spiritual welfare of the church, to make sure no overseers are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and to disciple those less mature or disadvantaged as they grow in Christ. Part of a local Church's stewarship program is to educate members regarding their roles in giving within reasons according to God's Word. We are to make sure they are living within their means so the Church won't be burdened down the road when they run out of money using this verse an example in 1 Timothy 5:16 "If any woman who is a believer has widows in her family, she should help them and not let the church be burdened with them, so that the church can help those widows who are really in need." If a widow or retired elderly do not have a family to watch them, it is a local Church's job to oversee they are being taken care of.
There are many possibilities for widows and retired Christians who want to go on serving who have limited (fixed) income. The normal biblical pattern is to work in order to earn in order to give (Ephesians 4:28) and if a Christian is not earning income, giving is optional within reasons. If an elderly can give generously if she has an income. An elderly can use her spiritual gifts for the good of the church rather than giving her fixed income (retirement savings). There are many ways in which elderly Christians can serve the Lord who neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:3-4) in the so-called “retirement years” without giving money. It is the Church's leaders to make that clear to all retirees and widows.
Comparing to "The rich man the fool and the poor woman the wise"?
Let's look at two stories and compare them from Christ's point of view.
The rich young ruler, came to Jesus, he was devout, he was Jewish, he was a ruler of the synagogue and Jesus told him the bottom line, "Go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, you'll have treasure in heaven, then come follow Me." He love money more than he love eternal life. While the widow who didn't love her money and she only had two tiny little copper coins that Jesus said. She came in to worship the Lord and she gave all of it. She put it in the temple offering box. Jesus called His disciples together and they might have thought He was going to say " See that widow woman, she's foolish because now she doesn't have anything". But He didn't say that and He never questioned the wisdom of her actions. As an example of the root of evil, love of money or love of eternal life. Jesus said to the disciples, "I tell you the truth, gentlemen, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others."
1. The rich bragged and gave portion of their wealth.
2. The widow gave out of her poverty. She put in everything, all she had to live on. And Jesus regarded that woman as wise and the model for the disciples and for all of us to follow as told in the rich young ruler story regarding true meaning of discipleship.
These examples are great in stewardship training. We are to study of the rich young ruler and the poor widow that Jesus said leads you to an understanding that how you deal with money.
Therefore, back to serving the widows. The church will need to exercise wisdom to determine which needs are real ones and must be committed to widows who genuinely need assistance, whatever the cost might be. Even when widows have financial resources, the church needs to come alongside with encouragement, love, and support in every way possible. The Greek term translated "widow" (chera) means "bereft" and conveys a sense of suffering loss or being left alone. Widows receiving honor are qualified as "widows indeed." The Greek term (ontos) translated "indeed" means "in reality" or "in point of fact." The fact is they are alone and therefore in need of financial support. So "widows indeed" are to be distinguished from widows having financial means. Some husbands may have left their wives with wonderful resources such as a home and some money. In those instances, the church should still be there to provide for any spiritual needs.
The Apostles are reminding others "Remember the poor widow who gave her all? Remember to SERVE them".
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