Quotes for the day
Pride leads to the "I can do it myself" approach. We think we're capable of anything. We don't need God, counselors, prayer partners, or friends. Truth be told, we've got too much pride to ask for help, so we struggle along and alone. David Jeremiah
Yes, we want people to see us with approval when we are displaying that Jesus is infinitely valuable to us, but we dare not make the opinion of others the measure of our faithfulness. They may be blind and resistant to truth. Then the reproach we bear is no sign of our unfaithfulness or lack of love. John Piper
God requires elders to be men of integrity, wisdom, dignity, and virtue. But even though the standards are very high, God doesn't require perfection. If He did, no one would be qualified to lead the church because we all fail. John MacArthur
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