I know there are people speaking in tongues today but not many are able to interpret them. Tongues can be practiced in a matter that should be consistent with the Bible. Tongues spoken in private is permissionable because it is "in private between God and the person" and no interpreters are needed. Only God knows and understands. This all come down to common sense when we are using our spiritual gifts such as tongues that God provides for us to use at HIS discretion, not ours. Paul explained in his letters that the manifestations of the Spirit were given to everyone for the profit to all. I do suggest that you take God’s word on it and where things are clearly spelled out, that the churches obey it. The best thing is to testify of Christ, preach the gospel, apply his Word to the whole of life and thought, and do not forbid tongues, as long as they meet the conditions established by Paul to prevent their misuse. Of course, those conditions cannot be met today, but if tongues were "active" today, they no doubt would be something like Paul laid out in 1 Cor. 14:18.
There are many languages around the world including sign language. There is Amercian Sign Language. There are interpretors who will interpret different languages between cultures. Tower of Babel that scattered everyone who were speaking different languages. In the New Testament, there were many verses that talked about Christians being scattered all over the world. Why? Jesus said in Matthew 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations."
Nation from the greek word "Ethnos". Strongs defines Ethnos as a multitude (whether of men or of beasts) associated or living together as a company, troop, swarm. A multitude of individuals of the same nature or genus the human family a tribe, nation, people group (Culture).
I was involved in a deaf culture for many years and reached out to them. God had a purpose for each one of us.
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