When someone said "You should not judge", is not the same as "fruit inspector", or "discerning true and false teachings". People who don't discern are those who are "ignorance". Its really interesting about people are mixing "judging" and "discerning". Jesus gave us the formula for finding out "false prophets," but the devil are using people to tell us we should "not judge." So people are telling us: "God didn't make you a judge so therefore do not inspect fruits." Jesus gave us wonderful examples and one of His great example is "By THEIR FRUITS you shall know them" Christians are too look at the WHOLE package of a Christian. Do not have a tunnel vision" based on their teachings alone. You need to look at their whole being. By THEIR fruits, you shall know them. Each false prophet has fruit that is bad, and Jesus said: "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit!"
So, the next time you watch a TV preacher; be careful. Jesus reminds us that if the fruit is bad, so is the tree. Look at the whole ministry. I don't care how long good a TV preacher is preaching because Jesus said: "by their fruits, you shall know THEM!" You can literally know a false prophet when you see one, when you watch the fruit he or she produces. Please, if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, Christ have commmanded us to discern and steer away from false teachings.
Scriptures reminded us that that inside of a sheep's clothing is "a ravening wolf". A wolf is a very cunning, sly, devious, dangerous predator. Think of the "predators" looking for our children today in the schools, playgrounds, parks, and street's of our towns. "False prophets" are predators in our churches, our pulpits, on radio, and especially on "Christian Television"! A wolf will kill at the first opportunity! He only needs your confidence and trust. He WILL make his move at the right time. It will be his timing, and the results will be deadly! Here is where it is absolutely essential to have a godly shepherd! A godly shepherd will watch over his flock. But, this warning from Jesus is not just for shepherds alone.
It is for us too!
There are great books out there to help us how to discern ministries, not just preachers. Please go to your favorite book store/website.
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