Through the Holy Spirit, God works in my heart, regenerating me. Regenerating me by creating a renewed will within from my heart which is the core where God meets me. The concept is this: Sin,is where an unregenerate person runs away from God, meaning that a person called a "fugitive" that as a sinner, it is a person's inclination is to flee from God. Like when Adam and Eve sinned, they fled from God and hid. Fallen sinners do resist God's grace, but His regenerating grace is effectual. Grace through the Holy Spirit overcomes sin and accomplishes God's purpose. As an unsaved person, in the flesh, a person is not able to please God simply because the Holy Spirit is not in the heart. Scripture teaches that the Holy Spirit's work in "quickening" us which is another word for regenerating us from our sin. Through the Holy Spirit, we are made alive because before we were dead in our flesh. Through Adam and Eve, we are dead spiritually, through Jesus Christ, we are alive spiritually.
Paul teaches in Romans 7:15-19 about his struggle with sin as a Christian. An unsaved person do not have "internal" struggle with sin. This is not the same when a person is struggling with sin due to the law simply because a person is simply "aware" of what God hates. With the Holy Spirit in us, is very holy and sinless living in our sinful body; as a Christian, I have a strong desire to obey God but I do not always do THAT good. This is the process of sanctification and during the sanctification, Christians will struggle: Our sinful bodies versus Holy Spirit living in our hearts. The body carried sin but spiritually, a Christian's heart is holy. There will be a battle as long as we live in our bodies. Sin causes our bodies to decay and we will die one day.
This where Jesus talks about the most. It is the heart where He meets us. The heart is the core of our being. From the heart, we love God and we love people around us. From the heart, we worship God spiritually. From the heart, we glorify God and desire to obey God. From the heart, our fruits are rooted and our fruits will grow strong. Grace is from the heart while the Law is from works.
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