Reformed evangelical, one of the most influential apologists of the 20th century. He focused on philosophy and once served as a missionary to Switzerland, emphasizing the application of Christian principles to every aspect of social life. Schaeffer saw relativism as the inevitable outcome of secularism and was also one of the first evangelicals to urge environmental responsibility. Titles: Addicted to Mediocrity; Art and the Bible; A Christian Manifesto; Escape from Reason; The Finished Work of Christ; Genesis in Space and Time; The God Who Is There; He Is There and He Is Not Silent; How Should We Then Live?; Marks of the Christian; Pollution and the Death of Man; True Spirituality.
Frank is Francis's son. Francis is Frank's father.
Frank said one time "I'm a novelist. I'm also the son of Francis Schaeffer."
Frank was born in Switzerland in 1952 to American missionary parents. His father, Francis Schaeffer, is a well-known Evangelical theologian. He attended boarding schools in England and Wales. Frank Schaeffer is a well-known and much sought-after speaker. He lectures on the Orthodox Faith, Christianity and the arts, and his conversion to the Orthodox Faith. He has served on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council and as the lay chairman of the Religious Education Committee of the Greek Orthodox.
Franky and Francis co-authored one book together called "Sham Pearls for Real Swine: Beyond the Cultural Dark Age-A Quest for Renaissance"
Franky's other books are:
Addicted to Mediocrity: 20th Century Christians and the Arts
A modest proposal for peace, prosperity, and happiness
Is Capitalism Christian?: Toward a Christian Perspective on Economics (He as an Editor of this book)
A Modest Proposal
Bad News for Modern Man
A Time for Anger: The Myth of Neutrality
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