Voting elections are coming up in two weeks and I am looking into my State and local's issues as well as candidates. I truly believe as Christians, that we are to be involved since God created governments around the world. God has chosen me to live in a country where I can actually "vote". Where I live, in the United States, democracy is a form of government which legislative decisions are made by the people themselves or by representatives who act through the consent of the people. Our form of government offers people the ability to exercise their faith freely and without interference from the government. To be fair to all faiths, our government is set up to not establish a state religion. This includes promoting one religion over another. Faith is something that individuals must accept or reject. People either take the leap and believe or they do not. It is not something that can be forced.
To live in a country that "theocracy" form of government in which a religion and the government are allied. Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence" (John 18:36). Jesus makes it clear that there is a definite separation between His kingdom and the kingdoms of this world. We just need to look at the whole picture. God never commanded the governments to "spread the Gospels". God commanded to Christians to spread the Gospels. The Gospel is for "spiritual society" while the Governments are for "human society".
As a citizen of United States and as Christians, (in my opinion) we are to focus on the social, economic, political and military crises which confront our lives require us to reaffirm our view of God as love, and the godly life as the way of peace. To love God is to treat people lovingly. (Leviticus 19:18, I John 3). Christ taught us to love our enemies, instructing us that war, both within and without, is sin and an expression of human failure. (Matthew 5, James 4). As Christians, we can commit ourselves to work more actively for public policies that reduce militarism, war, and political and economic inequities. We must work persistently and faithfully for a more peaceful and equitable world community. This are is about getting involved in our civil responsibility simply by voting and finding ways to help our fellow citizens regardless if they are Christians or not.
One thing must be kept in mind: We Christians are Christians first and everything else after that. Our first alliegiance is to the kingdom of God. Our citizenship is in heaven. We are grateful for political freedom. We thank God for democracy as a way of life. But we never forget that we are sons of God and citizens of another city whose builder and maker is God. For this reason, we must not identify the gospel with any political system or make Christianity to be synonymous with any form of government, however noble. Christ stands alone, above and outside of every ideology devised by man. He does not join any of our parties or take sides with any of our great men except as they may come over on His side and try to follow Him in righteousness and true holiness.
A.W. Tozer