Powder Point Bridge; Duxbury, MA

I am happlily married with 5 kids. I am an accoutant and worked in an accounting field for over 25 years. I like to make a habit of writing down whenever I have deep thoughts about God (so I won't forget). I really into Reformed Theology that is connected to Presbyterian Church in America.
I enjoy having deep thoughts about God and put down what I actually think about (so I won't forget).
"The entire Bible teaches that true obedience to God and His Christ is one of the toughest requirements in the Christian life. Actually, salvation without obedience is a self-contradicting impossibility!" A.W. TozerPaul wrote in the Book of Romans that "by one man's disobedience" came the downfall of the human race. By birth through Adam, we are unholy; and before we knew Christ, we practiced unrighteousness. Also, by birth through Adam, our bodies are decaying by sin while disease, old age and death testify that our physical time on earth will end someday. Christians are having a problem with procrastination. Christ said Christian will lose out of their true salvation (Luke 14:24); Paul warned in 2nd Corinthians 6:2 that we are to have salvation today; and someday, God will not wait any longer (Rev. 10:6). Those who are without Christ in obedience are really missing true blessings from God. Until Christians received Jesus Christ and obey Him sincerely, there can be no true knowledge of spiritual salvation, nor any spiritual understanding of God. Peter wrote in 1st Peter that we are elected according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience. Are we one of the elected who truly accepted Christ? I am glad I came back to Christ. I have been reading my Bible and I am seeing what God really want from me. The Holy Spirit is really teaching me and making me think. God is not demanding much at all. All He wants from me is to love Him. He simply wants me to allow Him to be in my life by transferring my will to His will. That is true discipleship. To forget my own will because God's will is BETTER. I realized that when I allow Him, my life is more peaceful and more enjoyable. I noticed that. Even though God will not take away my problems but He always been there for me when I am facing problems. I am still having problems but very very peaceful. Luke 14:27 James 4:7-10