EVENT (Note: Christian Calendar off 4-6 years) APPROXIMATE DATE
Jesus’ birth AD 1
Jesus began public ministry AD 30
Jesus discipled his followers AD 30-33
Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension AD 33
Pentecost AD 33
Church gathered daily on Solomon’s Porch, streets, market place & house to house AD 33
Church gathered as the Body with Christ as the Head AD 33
Priesthood of all believers ministering in spiritual gifts AD 33
Plurality of servant leadership by example AD 33
Disciples scattered abroad by persecution AD 38
Conversion of Saul of Tarsus AD 38
Paul’s missionary journeys begin AD 46
Council of Jerusalem: Salvation through grace(Acts 15:11) AD 50
Paul’s death AD 68
Jerusalem temple destroyed By Titus AD 70
John the apostle’s death AD 100
Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, wrote his seven epistles(Not included in Cannon) AD 107
Clement of Rome: Elders/pastors/bishops different function AD 117
Clement of Rome: Clergy/Laity distinguished AD 117
Clement of Rome: One-man pastor leadership AD 117
First mention of infant baptism AD 215
Construction of first known church building under Emperor Serverus AD 235
Earliest mention of “clergy” being salaried AD 245
Earliest beginnings of monasticism by Anthony AD 270
Prayers for the dead AD 300
Making the sign of the cross AD 300
Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity AD 312
Council of Milan: ministers licensed by the State AD 313
Council of Milan: ministers became full-time & salaried AD 313
Council of Milan: edict concerning construction of church buildings AD 313
(Period of Dark Ages in history) AD 313-1525
Use of wax candles AD 320
Constantine declared Sunday a civil holiday(Holy Day) AD 321
Church buildings built throughout the Roman world AD 324
Temple/Synagogue style worship AD 324
Pews & theater seating arrangement AD 324
Chanters, choirs & hymn books AD 324
Altars Erected AD 324
Baptisteries placed in buildings AD 324
Council of Nicene: First Church Creed established AD 325
Council of Nicene: bishop supremacy AD 325
Veneration of angels, dead saints and use of images AD 375
Christianity becomes the State Religion under Emperor Theodosius AD 378
Mass as a daily celebration AD 394
Council of Carthage: canonization of Scripture AD 397
Latin Vulgate Bible by Jerome AD 405
Edict of Innocent I: Compulsory infant baptism AD 407
Council of Ephesus: exaltation of Mary as the mother of God AD 431
Leo the Great pronounced himself as Bishop of Rome AD 452
Ministers established common dress code AD 500
Extreme Unction AD 526
First monastic order begun by Benedict of Nursia AD 529
Christian calendar established by Dionysius Exiguus AD 550
(Mohammed begins Religion of Islam)AD 570
Gregory became the head of the Church of Rome AD 590
Doctrine of Purgatory by Gregory I AD 593
Latin used in prayer and worship by Gregory I AD 600
Mass as known today established by Pope Gregory AD 604
Boniface III bishop of Rome adopted the title Pope AD 607
Temporal power of popes by Pepin, King of the Franks AD 750
Organs first put into church buildings AD 609
Kissing the pope’s feet begins with Pope Constantine AD 709
Worship of the cross, images and relics AD 786
Use of holy water with salt blessed by priests AD 850
Worship of Joseph as a saint AD 890
Canonization of dead saints AD 993
College of Cardinals established AD 927
Baptism of bells by Pope John XIII AD 965
Canonization of dead saints by Pope John XV AD 995
Fasting on Fridays and during Lent AD 998
Mass as a sacrifice begins AD 1050
Final division of East/West Church AD 1054
Celibacy of priesthood by Pope Gregory VII(Hildebrand)AD 1079
Rosary and praying with beads by Peter the Hermit AD 1090
Sale of Indulgences AD 1190
Christian and Muslim Crusades AD 1100-1400
Church buildings add towers and steeples AD 1100
Sale of indulgences AD 1190
Transubstantiation of wafer and wine by Pope Innocent III AD 1215
Confession of sins to a priest by Pope Innocent III in Lateran Council AD 1215
Adoration of the wafer(Host) by Pope Honorius III AD 1220
Bible declared too holy & forbidden to be read by laymen by Council of Valencia AD 1229
Scapular first used(special cloth around neck on front & back) AD 1251
Wycliffe(1330-1384)translates Bible into English AD 1380
John Huss(1374-1415)reformation influence AD 1398
Communion cup forbidden lay people by Council of Constance AD 1414
Doctrine of purgatory decreed by Council of Florence AD 1439
Dogma of seven sacraments affirmed AD 1439
Fall of the Roman Empire AD 1453
Gutenberg prints first Bible AD 1453
Columbus discovers America AD 1492
Reformation: Martin Luther (1483-1546) 95 Thesis at Wittenberg AD 1517
Reformation of Theology AD 1517
Tyndal’s English translation AD 1520
Zwingli, Calvin, Knox influence in Reformation AD 1522
Anabaptists influence AD 1525
Beginning of Separation of Church & State AD 1525
Pulpit stands, other pulpit furnishings and elevated platforms AD 1540
Council of Trent: Tradition and Scripture of equal authority AD 1545
Apocryphal books added to the Bible by Council of Trent AD 1546
Official Catholic Creed imposed by Pope Pius IV AD 1560
King James translation of the Bible AD 1611
John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress published AD 1678
Huguenots Influence AD 1698
Isaac Watt’s Hymns and Spiritual Songs published AD 1707
Moravian Brethren missionary movement`AD 1727
Jonathan Edward and the Great Awakening in America colonies AD 1735
John Wesley’s conversion and brother Charles’ influence AD 1738
Sunday Schools established in England and later in United States AD 1738
United States declares Independence from England AD 1776
William Carey’s missionary to India AD 1793
Restoration Movement begun by Campbell brothers AD 1811
Foreign Missionary Boards in United States with Judson sailing to India AD 1812
Crusade evangelism in England & US with Finney, Moody, Sankey, Crosby AD 1830
Beginning of altar calls and walking the aisle AD 1830
Rise in false religions & cults: i.e., Mormonism AD 1830
Dispensational Scripture interpretation by Plymouth Brethren,Darby AD 1830
Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary by Pope Pius IX AD 1854
Hudson Taylor begins missionary work in China AD 1854
Spurgeon becomes pastor in London AD 1854
David Livingston publishes “Missionary Travels” about African missions AD 1857
Syllabus of Errors asserted pope’s temporal authority over all civil rulers AD 1864
William Booth founds the Salvation Army AD 1865
Papal Infallibility in matters of faith and morals by Pope Pius IX AD 1870
Immaculate Conception of Mary: Pope Pius IX AD 1870
Rise in false religions & cults: i.e., Jehovah’s Witnesses AD 1872
Student Volunteer Movement of young people involved in missions AD 1886
Gideon International organized AD 1899
Beginning of airplane flight with Kitty Hawk invented by Wright Brothers AD 1903
Pentecostal movement begins with Asuza Street revival AD 1906
World War I begins AD 1914
First Christian radio broadcast AD 1921
World-wide Economic Depression w/Stock Market Crash AD 1929
Wycliffe Bible translators aspire to bring Bible to every language group AD 1934
Age, sex, grade grouping & separation of families in churches in United States AD 1935
World War II begins in Europe in 1939 w/USA joining in 1941 AD 1939-1941
United Nations founded AD 1945
Israel formed as a nation AD 1948
World Council of Churches is formed AD 1948
Billy Graham nation-wide evangelism crusades begin in California AD 1949
Para-church in US: i.e., Youth for Christ, Navigators, Campus Crusade AD 1944-1951
Assumption of the Virgin Mary(bodily ascension) by Pope Pius XII AD 1950
Cold War begins with the Soviet Union in 1950(Ends in 1992)AD 1950
Full Gospel movement begins in United States AD 1951
Lay Renewal movement begins AD 1952
Para-church in US: i.e., Teen Challenge, Youth with a Mission AD 1958-1960
Increase in church building construction in United States AD 1960
Charismatic movement grows in United States AD 1960
Feminist movement increases in the United States AD 1960
Home Churches in China and England AD 1960
Reformation of Ecclesiology AD 1960s
Second Vatican Council promotes new attitudes and practices AD 1962
Space travel with John Glenn orbiting the earth AD 1962
Mary proclaimed as Mother of God by Pope Paul VI AD 1965
Mass media growth around the world: i.e., Trinity Broadcasting Network AD 1973
Biblical house churches in United States AD 1970s
Rise in Para-church groups: i.e., Christ for the Nations & Mercy Ships AD 1970-1978
Rise in cults: i.e. Jim Jones AD 1979
Increase in Open Churches, Churches without Walls, Relational Churches AD 1985
Surge in construction of mega-church buildings in United States AD 1990
Men’s organizations begin: i.e., Promise Keepers, Prison Ministries spread in US AD 1990
Renewed emphasis of Ephesians 4 equipping gifted leadership AD 1990
Spontaneous increase in biblical house churches throughout USA AD 1990s
Cold War ended with collapse of the Soviet Union AD 1992
Believers in third world countries experience great persecution and more believers are martyred in the 20th Century than all previous centuries combined AD 2000
Muslim extremists attack United States and US declares War on terrorism AD 2001
Information Age with volume of knowledge doubling every three years AD 2002
Heinous crimes against humanity increase AD 2002
Population of the world increases to six + billion AD 2002
Diseases, pestilence, famine & earthquakes continue to increase AD 2002
Christianity increases in Asia, Africa, S.A & decreases in Europe, US AD 2002
Biblical house churches increase throughout the world, i.e. China with 100 million + believers AD 2002
Unprecedented growth of Christianity in the world: Christianity is growing three times faster than the world’s population with 180,000 converts per day(i.e. Latin America- 35,000, China-30,000 and Africa 20,000) at 6.9 growth; Muslims 2.7; Hindus 2.2; Buddhists 1.7. According to the latest statistics of Christians in the world today: Latin America-480 million; Africa-360 million (42% of population);Asia-313 million and Europe & North America-200 million for a total of over 1.35 billion believers. AD 2002