Some that are now high will be brought low and many of the humble will be exalted. A.W. Tozer
With the help from the Holy Spirit, we can be wise enough to face up to the truth that every day is another day of spiritual preparation, another day of testing or discipline. There are those who believes that Christians will not face suffering and that they will live painless. Today television preachers have become a part of our false prophets who teaches "ichy ears" sermons and invite those who listen to join their concept of Christianity. Christianity in their view is physical blessings of health and wealth rather than spiritual. Real Christians will face tests from God because in the Bible, there are many examples of men and women being tested. There does come a time when the Holy Spirit says, "Today this disciple is going to be tested." The tests are actions to find out who have an honest desire to be Christlike? We should all be aware that every day is a day of testing. It is through the goodness of God we may go to the school of our failures. Spiritual growth requires Christians learn from mistakes. While examining our mistakes, we must be careful to avoid two opposite errors: the first is being too easy on ourselves and the second is being too hard. There are lessons in life we learn best from failure as we have in the past.
I have learned that there is no reason to drown myself in my trials. It is really humbling to know that I will not learn what God seeks to teach me until I have changed accordingly as He enables me.