I know God is directing my paths and right now at 46 years old, I still don't know what God has plans for me. I have learned and know that all things work for good in the life of the believer. I do know this, His purpose is to make us more like Christ. With Christ inside me, God has granted me the ability to understand the truth and live accordingly (1 John 1:5-6). I just keep on living and keeping God in my life. God will lead me to whatever He wanted me to do. I just need to keep my eyes, mind and heart open. Many times, opportunities have passed because:
1. My eyes didn't see
2. My mind was closed
3. My heart was closed
As a person who have had disabilities throughout my life since birth. One of the beauties of having afflictions is that God has taught me through all the uncertainties in my life. The Scriptures clearly reveals that I can expect sufferings in this world. I need to put sufferings in the context of God's plan for my life, and I will understand what He is doing something beautiful.
My faith and my life, I am a realistic person which means I am being realistic about my life. That I understand my role as a Christian. I like this quote by Paul Little "Faith recognizes the fact that God is in control of my life. Whether I believe it or not, it's a fact that God is in control of the world. If I don't believe it, I'm just robbing myself of the enjoyment of the fact." I have learned that I can never have much faith unless I am dissatisfied with the way I am now, and are longing for something better.
What I am trying to say is that I am allowing the Holy Spirit to direct me as I live my life. God's purpose will seem too obvious to me but I (like most Christians), I will and often miss His messages because they are small or in fact, we are already doing what God wants. God will lead me the way because He is in control. I trust Him. I have Faith in Him. Through my faith, I obey His Word. The more I grow in Christ the more I will understand His Word. The more I undersand in my heart, mind and soul, I am repented and increased knowledge of God the person in my heart more than my mind. Not knowing about God but knowing God in person who is in my life. Perception of truth demands not only continued prayerful exercise of the mind but also full obedience of the heart.
The bottom line, All Jesus wants from me is to love Him and submit to Him. He simply wants me to allow Him to be in my life by transferring my will to His will.